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Annual General Meeting 2024

(of All Saints Anglican Church)

Our 2024 AGM will take place at 12:00 noon on February 25 and will be conducted in person at All Saints. It will also be accessible via Zoom.

In order to be eligible to vote at our AGM, you must sign the following declaration:

I, [insert your name here], do solemnly declare:

  • that I am Baptized and support the aims and objectives of the Anglican Church of Canada;
  • that I contribute financially to the Anglican Church of Canada, and/or my Congregation by some generally recognized method and at a level which I conscientiously believe to be adequate in the light of my income and obligations;
  • that I have attended at least ten Regular Services of my Parish/Congregation or received pastoral care, in the twelve months prior to this Declaration;
  • that I am the full age of sixteen (16) years; and
  • that I have not voted as a Voting Member of any other congregation within the said twelve months.

In-person attendees will be able to make this declaration by way of a sign-in sheet on the day of the AGM.

Zoom attendees will need to preregister in order to receive the Zoom link. To register, please send the above declaration by email to allsaintsvernon.agm@gmail.com. Please remember to edit in your name where indicated!

Unlike at our previous Zoom-only meetings, this year's meeting will NOT be accessible by phone.

Zoom attendees will need to be familiar with how to use Zoom videoconferencing. You can click here for step by step tutorials, or you can reach out to a knowledgeable friend or family member.

The full Rules of Engagement planning document can be viewed here.

Nominations and Notices of Motion

The proposed agenda and current list of nominations are posted below. Additional nominations and notices of motion should also be sent to allsaintsvernon.agm@gmail.com. The deadline for notices of motion is February 18.


 Incumbent's WardenGeorge Wicks
 People's WardenDarla Strutt
 Deputy Wardenvacant
 TreasurerRichard Frost
Church Council
 Recording Secretaryvacant
 Property ManagerDave Harris
 Synod MembersRick Pallen
 Pam Harris
 Michael Murison
 Alternative Synod MembersKevin Wiseman
 Nan Bristow

Draft Agenda

  1. Opening Prayer
  2. Determination and declaration of Voting Members present
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Motion to Approve Scrutineers
  5. Minutes of previous AGM
  6. Treasurer's Report & Budget for 2024
  7. Elections
    1. People's Warden, Deputy Warden
    2. Synod Delegates
    3. Church Council secretary
    4. Alternate Synod Delegates
    5. Property Manager
  8. Receipt and Consideration of Other Reports
    1. Clergy & Wardens
    2. Programs, Groups & Committees
  9. Results of Elections
  10. Appointment of Parish Officers
    1. Incumbent's Warden
    2. Treasurer, Envelope Secretary
    3. Financial Reviewer
    4. Other appointments
  11. Expressions of Thanks
  12. Adjournment, The Grace