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(of Outreach and Partnerships)

KAIROS unites Canadian churches and religious organizations in a faithful ecumenical response to the call to "do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8).

Informed by biblical teaching, KAIROS deliberates on issues of common concern, striving to be a prophetic voice in the public sphere.

Inspired by a vision of God's compassionate justice, KAIROS advocates for social change, amplifying and strengthening the public witness of its members.

Responding to Christ by engaging in social transformation, KAIROS empowers the people of God and is empowered by them to live out our faith in action for justice and peace, joining with those of goodwill in Canada and around the world.

Webpage: http://www.kairoscanada.org/

Karen Truesdale  Contact